Zeeyqa I.

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I judge people to easily from my first impression. I'd rather wait forever for a perfect guy, than settle for anybody. I'm unpredictable and spontaneous. I try to be forgiving. I enjoy being unique. I'd rather have fun and look immature than care what people think. Sometimes, I'm really confident, other times I feel insecure. I'm opinionated and stubborn but I'm loyal, sincere and caring. I always try to see the best in you... even if you annoy me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I might be saying goodbye

Good morning/evening, people.

It's 4:30 am right now and I know you're surprise that I will wake up that early just to online/whatsoever. Well, you're wrong, sweetheart. I didn't sleep, actually. You really think that I will wake up at 4 am? Are you crazy? Even it's about Justin Bieber, I won't wake up because sleep is better than anything. Even for school, I can't wake up that early.

It's been two days since I didn't sleep like normal people do. Yesterday and today. You must be wondering what the fuck I did. Well, chatting with my friends. Yes, they aren't normal, too, just like me. They don't sleep early. They sleep when people are awake. HAHA! Yeah, yeah. We're not normal. We're OUT OF THE ORDINARY.

Anyway, I just want to say this:

It's obvious that you couldn't care less about me.
That’s okay, I’ll just be here wasting my time like I usually do.
You know, just hurt me even more without realizing... Oh and without trying.

Bye! :)

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