Zeeyqa I.

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I judge people to easily from my first impression. I'd rather wait forever for a perfect guy, than settle for anybody. I'm unpredictable and spontaneous. I try to be forgiving. I enjoy being unique. I'd rather have fun and look immature than care what people think. Sometimes, I'm really confident, other times I feel insecure. I'm opinionated and stubborn but I'm loyal, sincere and caring. I always try to see the best in you... even if you annoy me.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The type of my guy

Hey, there.

I'm bored, as usual. I know, I know. I told you that a zillion of times. I don't have a life right now, yuuuknnowww. I'm waiting for the video to finish load. It is almost done now and I hope I won't click the "X" button accidentally just like what I did last night.

Anyway, while I'm waiting for the video to finish load, I wanna say something about... well, did you read the title? If you did, you know what I wanna talk about, right? Hehe!

Every girl in this world has their own type of guy including me. What's my type?

A guy who will love me for who I am no matter what I do.
A guy who is afraid of losing me.
A guy who will always support me.
A guy who is not afraid to show the world that I'm his.
A guy who doesn't ignore me when he is with his friends.
A guy who doesn't really care if I hang out with guys but still get jealous.
A guy who knows how to take of me.
A guy who will protect me from anything even though he knows he's not strong enough.
A guy who understands me.
A guy who doesn't care if I act weird all the time.
A guy who will send me sweet messages.
A guy who will send me a good morning message every morning.
A guy who I can tell all my secrets to and he won't tell anyone about it.
A guy who will always call me just to say that he misses me or stuffs like that.
A guy who will always say I LOVE YOU to me.
A guy who cares about my feelings.
A guy who tells me beautiful instead of cute, hot or blahblahblah.
A guy who does everything first not me like... he should text me first not me. GEDDIIT? :D
A guy who doesn't care about what his friends think about me.
A guy who smells good.
A guy who has nice eyes.
A guy who doesn't lie to me about anything.
A guy who has a nice smile.
A guy who has a great sense of humor.
A guy who is not selfish.
A guy who will spend his money for me. (What I'm trying to say is, he's not a stingy person)
A guy who allows me to hang out with his friends.
A guy who can make me feel love.
A guy who doesn't get jealous very easily.
A guy who is sensitive.
A guy who can play any instruments/sing.
A guy who is good in sports.
A guy who is smart but not a nerd.

I think that's it. Well, there's actually more but that is what I can think of right now. I'm so blank. The bold ones are the most important types of my guy. I'm not trying to say I don't love my boyfriend, okay? Don't think that way, puhlease. I love him.

I used to say that Justin Bieber is the puhhrrfectt guy but... I just don't think he is right now. Buat2 kecewa sebab dia sama Selena Gomez. LOL. I'm joking. I'm happy for them. They're a sweet couple and plus, I'm starting to like Selena Gomez. She's cute and SOME of her songs are great. Just some, okay? Not all.

Why am I talking about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez? Pfft.

Well, gotta go, peeps. BYE!

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