Zeeyqa I.

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I judge people to easily from my first impression. I'd rather wait forever for a perfect guy, than settle for anybody. I'm unpredictable and spontaneous. I try to be forgiving. I enjoy being unique. I'd rather have fun and look immature than care what people think. Sometimes, I'm really confident, other times I feel insecure. I'm opinionated and stubborn but I'm loyal, sincere and caring. I always try to see the best in you... even if you annoy me.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm getting tired of being like this

Do you ever meet someone that you really trust and respect and the person does the same to you, too but then, suddenly, (s)he betray you? You don't? But, that's kind of impossible. Mesti kau akan jumpa orang macam tu but not right now. One day, you will. Just get ready with it.

I met that kind of person. ALWAYS. I guess, sudah ditakdirkan hidup aku begini. Apa boleh buat kan? It's okay. Sabar jak lah. But, right now. I seriously don't get why (s)he is like that. Seriously. And, yes. I'm talking about someone. Kalau kau baca ni blog dan kau terasa, maksudnya kau lah tu. Siapa yang termakan cili, dia yang akan rasa pedas. I can't believe you're doing this to me but yeah, I already heard some stories about you, so I am not really that surprise. Hmm. And, I'm used to all these shits, anyway.

Mulut tu jaga la sikit. Kalau cakap tu, jangan main cakap jak. Fikir dulu. It hurts me when you said that but I pretend it doesn't because if I say that you hurt my feeling, nanti kau cakap aku mahu perhatian orang jak kan? Aku tahu kau lah babe. The littlest thing you say can hurt people's feelings. Remember that, sweetie. I don't even want to get people's attention 'cause it sucks being one.

Makin lama, makin ramai pula orang back stab aku sekarang. I really can't stand like this anymore. I seriously feel like I want to move to other school. If I can, I want to go far away from here. I'm getting tired of people giving me shits all the times. I know I'm not that important to you but, please don't do those kind of shits to me. Yes, I know, I was being such a bitchy bitch but do you think you're good enough? People make mistakes. I know I ain't perfect. I'm sorry for being one. If I could, I want to be a perfect one but I just can't because us, human beings can't never be perfect.

So emo-ish punya post la this. Oh, wait. Memang my posts selalu emo pun because I write this blog when I'm upset. Hmmm. I just can't stand being like this. I feel like I want to give up everything. :( Yes, EVERYTHING. You know what it means. My life, my friends... everything. I'm getting tired of being like this.


  1. ui , zeyy . ini ak , c fatini , c shakinah , c enneyta , c ain athirah , c ct aisah ! hiiii ! kmi trjumpa gmbr mue d GOOGGLEEEE !!

  2. Anon 1: Hi. :) // Anon2: aik? bila lagi? haha!
