Zeeyqa I.

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I judge people to easily from my first impression. I'd rather wait forever for a perfect guy, than settle for anybody. I'm unpredictable and spontaneous. I try to be forgiving. I enjoy being unique. I'd rather have fun and look immature than care what people think. Sometimes, I'm really confident, other times I feel insecure. I'm opinionated and stubborn but I'm loyal, sincere and caring. I always try to see the best in you... even if you annoy me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Never trust anyone easily

Hey, there.

It's TUESDAY. It's Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. Gotta get down on Tuesday. Today is the Wesak Day so we're having a holiday today. I'm glad today is holiday, if not, damn, I'm going to be crazy like hell which I always am with my teenage bullshit life.

Remember my old post yang yesterday punya? I talked about someone, right? That's on of my problems and last night, I just got a new one. I mean THREE problems. I seriously can't say it here because this blog is too public. Most of my problems are about friendship problems with girls. 'Of course. I'm not surprise at all. I always do just like my sisters. I know it's my fault. I get that. It's my own fault for trusting people easily. I know I shouldn't tell anyone about it but I did because I am stupid. NEVER TRUST ANYONE EASILY EVEN THOUGH YOU CLOSE WITH HER/HIM. If you do, then dia pergi buat something you never expected, memang kecewa habislah. Then, kau sakit hati. So, that's why, jangan terlalu trust orang. Nanti siapa yang kecewa? Kau sendiri juga kan?

I have a lot of problems now. I seriously need to stop thinking about the problems but I just can't. I keep on thinking how to solve these problems but, I just don't have trust in me anymore because, every time I do something that I think is right, it will end up something bad. I need to trust myself. Trust yourself, Zeeyqa! If I don't trust myself, I'll be weak which I don't and I am not because I don't want to. If you're weak, people will think that you're a coward. Do you want to think people you like that? If they think you like that, people can hurt you easily because they know you're weak. That's why you have to be strong. Don't be a coward. But don't do revenges. Just be strong and face all your problems with a big smile on your face. Kill all the people that give you problems with kindness. That's the best revenge ever. Aku ni cakap2 jak tapi aku tak buat. LOL! I usually do revenges, actually... not by smiling but making their own life miserable. Don't follow me. When you do revenges, you'll end up hurting yourself. Trust me. I faced it before.

Anyway, I seriously disappointed at someone. (S)he trusts other person instead of me? WOW. Awesomenya dapat jumpa dengan orang begitu. I know, you're closer with the OTHER PERSON instead of me but, hey, who am I again? Fikir bah! I trust you and you don't trust me? WOW. Bagus perangai but it's okay. I'm used to this. I faced the same thing before last year. Memang kau sama jak sama dia. Wuuttever lah. I won't give a fuck about it juga.


I'm tumblr-ing right now, as usual. The place for me to express my feelings when I'm sad, happy, or wuuuttsoever. I saw some awesome quotes. Here, check it out:

People are always gonna try to bring you down below them, but smile when they're staring & show 'em who's strong.

Hey. Stuff happens. People will change. Your best friend will become your worst enemy. You will fall to pieces, and wish you never existed. You'll have new regrets and new mistakes. You'll fall in love, and he'll break your heart. You'll argue, and cry yourself to sleep. There will be some days when you can't drag yourself out of bed. You'll look in the mirror and hate what you see. But things will get better. Every time you fall down, you get back up. You grow up a little more with each mistake. And no matter how hard it may seem, remember that this is only a chapter of your life. Life goes on.

One who truly loves you will never try to make you jealous, cause he knows how to value loyalty more than jealousy.

Just check my tumblr, for more, alright? :D

Okay, bye.

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