Zeeyqa I.

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I judge people to easily from my first impression. I'd rather wait forever for a perfect guy, than settle for anybody. I'm unpredictable and spontaneous. I try to be forgiving. I enjoy being unique. I'd rather have fun and look immature than care what people think. Sometimes, I'm really confident, other times I feel insecure. I'm opinionated and stubborn but I'm loyal, sincere and caring. I always try to see the best in you... even if you annoy me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

You will never stop talking shits about me

Oh, haiii! Been a long time I didn't update this blog, right? Yeah, I'm pretty busy controlling my laziness! Anyway, there were lots of things happened including the thing that I never expected would happen. But, yeah, it's life. Nothing is impossible.


Do you ever feel having friends but then someone told you that your friends were back stabbing you but your friends don't know that you know that they were back stabbing you and then you have to pretend that you still want to be their friends but actually you feel like you want to fuck them? Do you? WOW! Same here. Whenever I'm with them, I try to smile but actually I really want to show my middle finger to them. But, selagi aku boleh tahan perasaan ku, selagi tu la aku akan hide my feelings. Siapa yang baca ni & dia terasa,maksudnya kau lah tu, kan? ;) But, if you read this, and kau tidak terasa langsung pun, baguslah tu. Aku ndak suruh kau terasa pun kan? xD

To people who've been back stabbed by their own friends:

If people has something bad to say about you, it's probably because they have nothing good to say about themselves.


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