Oh, heyyyy!
This post is going to be about Justin Bieber. The guy that million of girls are dying for to be with. The guy that million of girls say that he's the hottest and cutest guy in the world. I'm one of the girls. Of course I am, DUH! Everyone knows that I'm obsessed with him.
The reasons why I like him:
Cuteness and hotness
He is cute and hot to me, like seriously. His adorable faces really make me melt. My heart is always melting when I see a picture of him
Unique voice
His voice may not that really good but he has a unique voice which is cute. ;)
He cares about his fans. He gave free tickets to his fans to his concert.
He is playful. (I like playful guys) But, he'll be serious when he needs to be it. :)
He believed that his dreams will come true and... they did. He is a singer, a song writer, an actor. He makes a good example to all of his fans. TO BELIEVE that dreams do come true.
That's the top five reasons why I like him. I don't just like him. I like love him. ;)
But then...
When he's starting to date Selena Gomez, the girl that I used to hate because of she had an issue with Miley Cyrus (used to be a big fan of Miley). I don't "used" to hate Selena Gomez. I still hate her... even more now. There was this one time when I started to like her but then I hate her again because of all these dramas about her and Justin Bieber. My sister said I'm jealous, that's why I hate her again. That's true but, I won't hate hate her that much just because of that. Justin Bieber isn't mine so why should I hate her? It's not like she's taking him from me. Duhh!
Justin Bieber changed, okay? Everyone change. I know. But he changes to someone... I don't know how to explain. Not a kidrauhl anymore? If you don't know what kidrauhl is, just shut the fuck up. AND, BTW, if you don't want to read this post, don't because I know some of you are Justin Bieber's haters and I don't mind. Back to the topic.
He changed since he's dating that animal abuser, Selena Gomez. He wouldn't be like this if he's not dating Selena Gomez so screw her. I don't really blame Selena Gomez. It's not her fault. Maybe a little because MAYBE Selena Gomez controls Justin Bieber too much like Justin Bieber is a controller for her to control. It's just a maybe, okay. I didn't say it's true.

The reason why some celebrities said that because... well, first, (s)he is loosing too many fans so (s)he doesn't want that happen so he said that. Second, because (s)he really means it. Some people think Justin Bieber was just tweeting that because he really mean it. Some said no. I think he just doesn't want to lose his fans. Lots of people are tweeting, "Justin Bieber isn't kidrauhl anymore." or "Justin Bieber is such a dick right now." or "I think I'm not a belieber anymore." or "I used to idolize Justin Bieber but now, I don't. Sorry, Bieber." and so on. I didn't tweet those kind of stuffs even though I feel like want to do it.
The reason why Beliebers or ex-Beliebers said that is because... he's dating Selena Gomez. Some Beliebers are so jealous so they stopped loving Justin Bieber but some Beliebers hate the fact that they're dating. Not because of jealousy but because Justin changed. Before Justin Bieber dates Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber is sooooooooo wayyyyy different. ONLY OLD BELIEBERS KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I AM TALKING ABOUT. New Beliebers won't because new beliebers like Justin Bieber because he's hot or maybe because he's dating Selena Gomez and on. But old beliebers like Justin Bieber because he's different. Yuuuknowww what I mean, right, old beliebers? xD
There are lots of true or maybe fake rumors about Justin Bieber.
I don't think this is real, though. All the DMs were FIVE SECONDS AGO? Seriously? Haters, if you want to make us hate Justin Bieber, think logically lah bah. -.-
This one? Not quite sure if it's real or not but I got that from Twitter. If it's true, wow, Selena. What's so funny about it, bitch? -.-
The comments:
Look at the fourth comment. See? (S)He didn't make sure if it's real or not. Dia sudah cakap begitu. Fans can automatically hate you, Justin Bieber if they see something bad even though they don't make sure if it's real or not.
I don't know if it's real, okay. I'm just telling. I really hope it's not true because if it's true, WOW. Sweet because he wants to focus with his girlfriend only but he has to remember, he has fans. MILLIONS of fans. If he is just a normal guy, not a celebrity I mean, it's okay lah for him to say that but too bad, he's not.
Some people said that Selena Gomez is just using Justin Bieber for fame. Poor Justin. But, whatever. It's Justin's life. Why the hell should I even bother, again? Oh, right. Because I'm a biebsessed. I mean, I was a biebsessed. I had to know every single thing about Justin Bieber. What happed to his life and blah, blah, blah. I am now, just a normal belieber. I know, I'm being too dramatic about this. Eff myself.
P/S: I swear to God that I'm going to think myself as an idiot after reading what I typed. NOW, after I read it back, I really do feel like an idiot but I don't want to erase all those shits I typed. I typed for more than 5 minutes, dude. If I erase it, buang masa lah aku pergi type so yeah, I'm just going to click the PUBLISH POST and let my readers of my blog read it.